Board of Directors

Together, with a team of incredible volunteers, we work tirelessly to bridge the gap and provide patients in need with the tools they need to regain their independence and move around safely in their homes and communities.

Jack Sheehan
Founder and Executive Director

How can Assist ME provide every Charlottean in need with medical mobility equipment to regain their quality of life? As Executive Director, that’s the challenge I strive to meet every day. Throughout my career marketing medical devices, I learned many Americans don’t have the money or insurance to get essential rehabilitation equipment. So, when I was nearing retirement in 2014, I founded Assist ME to ensure everyone needing mobility equipment can get it.

Henry Lander
Board Chair

What’s next for Assist ME? As Board Chair, that’s the question I’m continually asking, both in terms of how Assist ME should be partnering with local health providers and where we should secure financial support and equipment donations to help the greatest number of uninsured and underinsured patients in the Charlotte area. My dream is to grow Assist ME into a Statewide organization positively impacting thousands of individuals and their families in North Carolina.

Ann Marie Beurle
Marketing Committee Lead

Ann Marie illuminates the ways Assist ME helps patients in need regain their mobility and independence and aims to grow equipment donations. Having joined Assist ME’s board in 2023, she was drawn to the organization’s mission to redistribute underutilized medical equipment to those who can benefit from it the most.

Jennifer Cline
Development Committee Lead

Assist ME has been such a gift to so many hospitalized patients, allowing patients to go home and maximize their recovery. It is an honor to help the organization continue to do so. Ensuring financial stability will be a cornerstone for Assist ME longevity.

James Dye
Operations Committee Lead

As requests for medical equipment grow, James streamlines our inventory and distribution systems to achieve maximum efficiency. As a distinguished veteran in the United States Air Force and pilot with Southwest Airlines for over two decades, James developed exceptional operational and organizational skills instrumental in helping Assist ME evolve into its next phase of growth. He joined Assist ME’s board in 2023 after working on a consulting project powered by Social Venture Partners Charlotte.

Sherry Simpson
Volunteer Committee Lead

Through Assist ME’s growing network of physical therapists and case workers, Sherry champions getting the right rehabilitation equipment to patients who have no insurance or no other way to get the medical equipment they need. As a physical therapist at a major Charlotte healthcare system, she works with patients every day who are hospitalized due to accident or injury and need medical equipment to move safely around their home and in the community. 

Kyle Taura
Finance Committee Lead

As demand for mobility equipment grows, Kyle ensures that Assist ME maintains financial stability to supply mobility devices to as many Charlotteans in need as possible. As a Partner at Garden City, a holding company that buys and holds blue and white collar service businesses, Kyle knows how to finance growth opportunities. Kyle joined Assist ME as a board member in 2015 because of the tangible, immediate, and life-giving impacts the organization is making in his hometown.